Church Ministry

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded“

Toby Jesosy Kristy Shalom.

The Toby (pronounce like too-be) Jesosy Kristy Shalom (TJKS) TJKS is a revival camp that is recognized by the Malagasy government. Its purpose is to preach the gospel of Christ to save people as they are: physical, mental, and spiritual life. The gospel of Jesus Christ delivers us from death, sin and the power of the Devil, and gives us hope and purpose in life.

Proclaiming the Gospel and infusing hope and purpose of life, developing youth, children, women ministry and helping men to fulfill their calling.
As Church Ministry, worship, Preaching, Baptism, Confirmation, and Healing Ministry, Driving out demons are counting in the services of church.
We have three churches ministries in TJKS: TJKS Mantasoa, TJKS Ambohimirary, and TJKS Besarety.


TJKS Mantasoa is one of church ministries of TJKS

Located in the city Mantasoa, 40 miles away from Antananarivo, the capital city of Madagascar, about a three hour bus ride from Antananarivo.

The Pastors there are Pastor RAOLISAONIRINA Zo Andrianina and his wife Pastor RAMIARAMANANA Andosoa .After learning and graduated at IKS, they were chosen to be the Pastors of TJKS Mantasoa.
About 150 people attend the church on Sundays with many youth and children. They have worship, Preaching, Baptism, Confirmation, and Healing Ministry, Driving out demons as services. It has services each Sunday, has a Sunday school, a Youth Program and Healing services.
After the church services on 3rd Sundays of the month, there is a meal with all the church members called AGAPE.
Each 3rd Saturday of the month, it' s a fasting day, TJKS Mantasoa has praising, testimony sharing, sermons as service. Around the Chapel of Toby Mantasoa, there are buildings: House of Custodian, Guest house which have a two bedroom that can sleep up to 20 people; It has a kitchen, a bathroom. There is also a Clinic which have full-time staff, and Lay ministry shepherds.

Baptizing Child

Nomination of Pastor Zo and Pastor Ando to be Pastors of church of Mantasoa

of the newly wedded

Pastors of TJKS Mantasoa

Pastor RAOLISAONIRINA Zo Andrianina and his wife Pastor RAMIARAMANANA Andosoa


TJKS Ambohimirary is one of church ministries of TJKS.
Pastor Samuel is the head Shepherd and lives there with his wife.

RICSM rents one building in Antananarivo more precisely at Ambohimirary.

The Pastors there are ANDRIANAIVOSON Eva Sonia and her husband RAMIARAMANANA Johary. After learning and graduated at IKS, they were chosen to be the Pastors of TJKS Ambohimirary

About 60 people attend it on Sundays with many youths and children. They have worship, Preaching, Baptism, Confirmation, and Healing Ministry, Driving out demons as services. It has services in the buildings each Sunday, and has a Sunday school, a Youth Program and Healing services. Apart from that, it has services each Wednesday and has testimony sharing, renewal work. In the same time of fasting at Mantasoa’s church, Ambohimirary church has service for prayer time when we dedicate to pray for all activities in TJKS like healing activities, church ministries, learning ministries.
IKS School which is an institute train people to be Pastor is also At Ambohimirary.

Sunday services at the church of Ambohimirary

Nomination of Pastor Sonia and Pastor Johary to be Pastors of church Ambohimirary

Baptizing Child

Pastors of TJKS Ambohimirary

Pastor ANDRIANAIVOSON Eva Sonia and her husband Pastor RAMIARAMANANA Johary


Besarety is among of very poor cities of Tana, the capital of Madagascar. Many people, a lot of children are thirsty to know Jesus and to start a church in this Area.
They still don’t have a house for praying; they gather to one backyard. Each Thursday, some Pastors, shepherds and IKS students from TJKS come to Besarety prayer time to lead the services. To develop spiritual life, TJKS gave Bible New Testament to them.

Pastor Daniel, Pastor Samuel head of Shepherd of TJKS Ambohimirary with his wife and Besarety members

Thursday Services at Besarety gathering

Leaders from TJKS with the Besarety members

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2V27+32W, Mantasoa