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Overview of RICSM in Madagascar with Toby Jesosy Kristy Shalom (TJKS) Revival Center


RICSM owns about one city block of land in Mantasoa. The land was donated to RICSM.
Mantasoa is about 40 miles east of the capital city, Antananarivo. (About a three hour bus ride from Antananarivo.)
This compound area is called a Toby (pronounced “too-be”). On the land owned by RICSM, there are six buildings and a small well.

• One church that holds up to 250 people when packed.
• One chapel that was the original church, but when the Toby outgrew the chapel, they built the church. The chapel is now used for small meetings and for housing for the custodian. Also, it is the store room for supplies.
• A two bedroom guest house that can sleep up to 20 people. It has a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms

• The newly opened Medical clinic has two full-time staff, a business manager, and a custodian.
• Dr. Mamy is a part-time doctor (2 or 3 days/week).
• The clinic is open five days per week and a nurse sees patients on the days when the doctor is not available. Each day is started with worship and prayer for healing.
• Also, there is a large community bathroom.

The 18 students in IKSM (Lay ministry shepherds) have classes in Mantasoa and in Antananarivo each Saturday mornings.

The church has services each Sunday, and has a Sunday School, a Youth Program and Healing services.


Capital of Madagascar

Ricsm rent one building in Antananarivo

• The Church meets in the building on Sundays. The church has services each Sunday, and has a Sunday School, a Youth Program and Healing services.

• The 18 students in IKSM (Lay ministry shepherds) have classes in Mantasoa and in Antananarivo each Saturday mornings.

• This ministry area is called a Toby (pronounced “too-be”).

• Pastor Samuel is the head Shepherd and lives there with his wife.

• The seminary (IKS) is in Antananarivo. In 2024, there are 15 students studying to be ordained as pastors (two classes). Classes for the students are held from 9am to 3pm (or sometimes longer) Monday through Friday. Students also attend classes three Saturday mornings each month.

Eric and Elaine’s family has been restored and freed from the power of alcoholism and poverty in the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.
They are now at the Toby helping with the church cleaning and worship service.

Alcoholism and drug addiction is especially rampant in Madagascar and the region of Mantasoa. People come to the Toby for healing and to receive the salvation of Jesus, restoring health and family life. Eric has been used by the Lord to bring more addicts to the Toby.

The Spirit is Moving in Madagascar!

The Vision for RICSM/TJKS for 2024

• Lay Ministry Training – ministers/shepherds to care for people

• 10 teachers paid a stipend

• 12 pastors to evangelize and plant churches to be ordained at annual convention

• The new Clinic, Doctor, PT Nurse, janitor and a midwife (future)

• Training doctors and counselors in addiction

• Renewal – to be an agent of revival in VOG, Madagascar and the World

What you can do to support the RICSM Mission

Join us in prayer for the following concerns

1. For Madagascar for peace and revival of the Church.

2. For the seminary IKS and the lay ministry school IKSM. The anointing and touch of the Holy Spirit for the students and the teachers. We are looking for them to preach the gospel in the country and to make disciples.

3. The clinic has started. We pray for Spirit-filled extra doctors to help and healthcare workers. We pray the gospel will be preached through healing; deliverance ministry and many will come to Jesus for salvation. There is a prayer and preaching of the gospel every morning before the work starts in the clinic.

4. For the Toby to be places where people will find healing, rest, peace and the salvation of Jesus

1. Write a check payable to RICSM and mail to: RICSM, c/o Keith Hovland, Treasurer, 1476 Chelmsford Street, St. Paul, MN 55108

2. Go to the website and click DONATE to give via PayPal.

To support RICSM financially

How to donate

We believe the gospel of Jesus of Nazareth can bring healing and salvation in the country and this world. Renewal International Christ Shalom Madagascar (RISCM) has been doing the mission in Mantasoa and Antananarivo for TEN YEARS and continues to expand as God’s grace allows under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Contact Us,


1476 Chelmsford St. St. Paul, MN 55108